Lake Area Fiber Artists is a non-profit organization located in the Lake of the Ozarks, MO area.   Our mission is to promote awareness and understanding of the arts of knitting, crochet, spinning, weaving, rug-hooking, felting and other fiber arts to our members and the general public.   We are a member group of the Lake Arts Council.

Quick Link - select the link below to access Fiber Arts Festival info

2025 Lake Area Fiber Arts Festival - Friday, Oct. 10  noon - 6 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 11  9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

A Note from our President!

Welcome and Thank you for your interest in our Guild.  We would like to extend an Invitation to you to join us at one of our monthly Guild meetings to meet our Members.

Whether you are experienced at your craft,  a novice, or wanting to expand your knowledge; we offer the fellowship and support of others with similar interests.

Again, thank you for visiting our Website. We hope to see you soon!

Donna Arnlund, President

Lake Area Fiber Arts Guild

Meetings:  The Guild meetings are on the second Thursday of each month.  We meet at Community Christian Church, 1064 N. Business Route 5, Camdenton, MO 65020.   Here is a link to Google Maps:

Community Christian Church - Google Maps 

This is the typical schedule for a monthly meeting-- (bring your own sack lunch and beverage)

                    11-12 Social/bag lunch/work on project 

                    12-1 Meeting and show & tell

                       1-2 Program/Speaker   

Becoming a Member:

Membership is open to anyone in the Lake of the Ozarks area or nearby cities.  Dues are currently set at $20.00 per year and are re-set at the beginning of each fiscal period.  The membership year is from January  1 through end of December.  You may attend two meetings as a guest before deciding to join.   To become a member,  print the membership form by double-clicking on the form icon shown at right OR obtain a form at any meeting.  Complete the form and attach your check for $20.00 payable to Lake Area Fiber Arts Guild.  Forms should be submitted at a meeting to the Membership Coordinator or you can mail the form to the following address:

Lake Area Fiber Artists

P.O. Box 159

Sunrise Beach, MO 65079

LAFA Membership form.pdf

Guild officers for 2024

Pres: Donna Arnlund

VP: Jackie Kroksen

Secretary: Patty Scott

Treasurer: Marge Thompson

Membership:  Lois Conway

Communications Coordinator: Susan Biel

Website Manager:  Lila Rudolph

Member Communications -- see next page