Member Communications

Member Communications

Registered members have access to a "closed group" Facebook page and follow our news feed of announcements, photos, fiber-related postings, etc.    For those members who do not use Facebook, our communications officer sends occasional emails providing similar updates as well as the monthly meeting minutes.  

 If you are a guild member and want to be added to this Facebook group,  go to the following Facebook page and click on "Join" under the cover photo.  This will generate a message to an administrator.

Click the icon to shop the Woolery Guild Rewards Program!

Membership Discount at the Woolery

The Woolery, a prominent online fiber arts supplier, has included the guild in its discount program.  Each guild is eligible for an annual cash award based on member purchases from the Woolery.   Please click on the shopping icon at left to initiate an online purchase and ensure that it is included in the annual tracking for guild rewards.