From our Bylaws—Purpose:
1. Promote awareness and understanding of fiber arts to our members and general public
2. Provide a forum for networking and communication
3. Provide educational opportunities for our members
Promote awareness by notifying members of festivals, classes and events each year.
Emails to members and posts on private guild Facebook page.
Missouri fiber events listed on this website here.
2. Networking and communication
Facebook page- private group page for guild members; public page to advertise the annual fiber arts festival
Meetings monthly with announcements of upcoming fiber-related events, classes and workshops
Bios of members - spotlight bios of guild members are collected and shared thru email
3. Educational opportunities
From time to time, guild members may offer/sponsor a low-cost workshop for guild member featuring a special skill to share and learn
Occasionally, the guild will arrange for an outside speaker/teacher to conduct a workshop avaiable to guild members
From time to time, the guild may reimburse a member for a paid class which the member has completed. In those instances, the member is asked to make a short presentation at a guild meeting to share the key learning points from their experience. For members, the course reimbursement request form is shown below in the next section.
The guild sponsors a partial scholarship program aimed at a higher-education student who is focused on developing knowledge and skills in the fiber arts.